My Debut Novel is Finally Here!
Read the amazing new novel by New York Times Bestselling author (manifestation at its finest).
“A beautiful quote about my amazing book will go here once I’ve finally finished it and have allowed someone to read it.” – An awesome reader
The universe sends me messages all of the time. She reminds me that there’s magic all around us, we just have to look for it.
There’s a specialness in the air on the days when you don’t have to look for it, on days like today. When she shows up so loud and proud, displaying her magic for everyone to see.
Magic in the clouds, magic in the trees, magic in me.
Today, I could hear her whisper: You’re okay. Your transformation is underway. Good things are coming.
There’s a specialness in the air on the days when you don’t have to look for it, on days like today. When she shows up so loud and proud, displaying her magic for everyone to see.
Magic in the clouds, magic in the trees, magic in me.
Today, I could hear her whisper: You’re okay. Your transformation is underway. Good things are coming.
“This story is a work of art that has been living inside of me for an entire lifetime. All of my life, I have wanted somewhere to feel safe to be me, to be who I am. This book is my safe place, and I hope it becomes yours, too.”
Now Available on Kindle
Kindle, Kobo, Nook, iBooks, or tablet – download the latest novel in an instant and be transported into another world.
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